At the first
moment, everything looked really complicated, I was nervous and sweating a lot since
I didn’t know what kind of questions they were going to ask me or if I would be
able to answer without shaking! But, my
faith and my Goals were strong.
A week after the first interview, I got really disappointed
when I noticed that I was not selected like my classmates did. My world and my “everything”
went down. I was depressed and sad. However, after that terrible week, I got an
email from the people that had already interviewed me saying that I was selected!
I couldn’t believe it, I read that email more than ten times, I was absolutely in
shock until I made my friend read it for me, up to that moment I woke up from the
shock... my smile was all over my face...
This is how my dream started... and I
had more and more interviews with different people at the school I was going to
be a TA. On August 15th 2014, I flew to the United States. So, be
ready for my stories as a foreign ambassador, as a TA and as a adopted girl by
an American Host Family.